I'm Abdulrahman

Photographer and Filmmaker

Who Am I

I am Abdulrahman Al-Asadi, a Yemeni photographer and filmmaker Interested in filmmaking and photography.

From the center of Hadhramaut to Sana'a and then Marib, a photographer and filmmaker simulating the diaries and reality of the Yemeni citizen, I am trying to show a different image of my country Yemen. Pictures of simple life, and history of Yemen that cannot be seen through the eyes of traditional media. Pictures of the aftermath of the war and the reality of the difficult life in which the ordinary citizen lives on a daily basis. Perhaps my photos will convey a message to all those who caused the suffering of the Yemeni people and remind them of the beauty of the country and what the situation has become after the war.

My Works

I capture stories in form of pictures

Socotra Birds


Dragon Tree


Socotra Mountain


Beach town


Green Mountain


Socotra Beach


Worked With

Some of Whom I have worked with

  • Al-Jazeera Network
  • unicef
  • 4u
  • UNDP

Keep In Touch

Feel free to contact me for any
project idea or collaboration

[email protected]

Istanbul, Turkey

Phone Number:
+90 534 526 13 81
+967 775 799 362